Taisei’s Carbon_Recycled Concrete

Mr.Naohito Ohba, Managing Director of Taisei (Thailand) Co., Ltd. along with Mr.Taichi lshizaka, Deputy Managing Director lead a team of young executives to study Taisei’s Carbon_Recycled Concrete (T-eConcrete®/Carbon-Recycling) at Japan enhancing the lineup of T-eConcrete®, an environmentally friendly concrete, as well as effectively utilizing resources and realizing decarbonization in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, efforts are underway to “carbon recycle” to curb CO2 emissions by recovering and effectively utilizing CO2 as a resource. Taisei Corporation has developed various types of environmentally friendly concrete, its T-eConcrete®, and is committed to the effective use of resources and decarbonization. Going forward, we aim to be a front-runner in the environmental sector and will accelerate our efforts to become carbon neutral by accumulating experience in applications for concrete that “creates the future.”